Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University is a postgraduate study program in medicine with an academic degree M.Kes. (Master of Health). This program can be pursued with a four-semester study period, producing skilled graduates in the field of skin ageing and aesthetic medicine with excellence in the fields of herbal medicine and medical nutrition. Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine can be enrolled by graduates of medical degrees and medical profession.
Master Program of Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University became widely known from local to international level and made it a reference regarding knowledge about skin aging and aesthetic medicine in 2034 with excellence in the field of herbal medicine and medical nutrition.
- Organizing a qualified education system to produce graduates who are skilled and virtuous in the field of skin ageing and aesthetic medicine with excellence in the fields of herbal medicine and medical nutrition.
- Increasing the quantity and quality of research in the field of skin ageing and aesthetic medicine that is competitive nationally and internationally with excellence in the fields of herbal medicine and medical nutrition.
- Organizing the dissemination and application of medical science and technology for public welfare and community service in a professional manner, having a positive impact on improving national health status.
Profile of Graduates
Graduates of the Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University have a profile as an educator and researcher with the following description:
- Master in health who has the ability to transfer knowledge regarding skin ageing and aesthetics.
- Master in health who has the ability to carry out various researches on skin ageing and aesthetics.
Masa studi Program Magister Penuaan Kulit dan Estetika (Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Maranatha adalah 4 semester, dengan total 36 SKS.