Faculty of Law

An understanding of business and investment law in Indonesia is very important, because business and investment activities can run well if they are supported by good law; Faculty of Law is here to answer this challenge. The curriculum for the Bachelor of Law Program is designed to specialize in a concentration of business and investment law; basic things that guide the running of business processes and good investments.

The Faculty of Law, Maranatha Christian University has a vision to become an academic community that participates in growing the legal order (which includes the rule of law, legal institutions, and legal culture) that is fair and humane so as to increase the fulfillment of human dignity.


Faculty of Law
Gedung C, Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Jl. Prof. drg. Surya Sumantri, M.P.H. No. 65, Bandung - 40164, West Java
+62 22-201 2186 / 200 3450
(ext. 1805 / 1806)

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